Elizabeth Savage is a poet, feminist critic, and professor based in West Virginia. As poetry editor for Kestrel: A Journal of Literature & Art since 2008, she has shaped the biannual publication into one famous for its eclecticism and humanity, a home for emerging and established writers alike.

Elizabeth has published two books and four chapbooks of poetry and has received awards supporting her writing and editorial work, including fellowships from West Virginia Council for the Humanities and Virginia Commission for the Arts. Composer and colleague Daniel Eichenbaum put three of her poems to music and won juried prizes for them.

Her recent poetry and criticism appear in Allium, Ocean State Review, Humanities, Journal of Modern Literature, and Poetics Today, as well as anthologies including They Said: A Multi-genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing and Quo Anima: Spirituality and Innovation in Contemporary Women’s Poetry. Elizabeth is a professor of English at Fairmont State University, where she teaches courses in 19th, 20th, and 21st century American literature, literary criticism, experimental poetry, women’s and gender studies.